Posted in Recipes

Instant Chocolate Ice-Cream

Two ingredient Instant Chocolate Ice-Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream in glass

I’ve seen these creamy, delicious looking ‘ice-cream’ concoctions popping up all over the place recently and particularly via vegan instagrammers all extolling the wonders of the frozen banana.

Following on from this wonderful discovery anytime that I spy a blackening banana I’m popping it straight into the freezer.

Some freeze the banana peeled and sliced, I freeze them whole with skin on. A good knife is required to pare off the frozen skin but then they will slice surprisingly easily.

A good food-processor whips the frozen chunks of banana into a smooth ‘ice-cream’ and it is when it’s beginning to turn creamy that you add in your flavour of choice – mine being a good cacao powder.
Frozen Banana

Peel Frozen Banana

Peeled Frozen Bananas

Chopped Frozen Bananas

Cacao Powder by Nua Naturals

Chocolate ice cream with pecans

You will need:
Frozen Bananas (I used 7)
Cacao powder (I used 4 tbsp)
Pecan nuts to garnish (optional)
Peel and chop the frozen banana.
Blitz in food-processor until almost completely smooth and creamy, at this stage add in your cacao.
Continue to process until well combined.
Serve with a sprinkling of chopped pecan nuts.

{If served immediately it will be delicious but a little soft, if you can wait you can freeze it a little first }
‘Til next time, Sheila.


Irish Author - Dubut romantic fiction novel 'Good Enough' published in 2021. 'Gimme Dinner' a collection of 50 great dinner recipes published in 2022. 'Enjoy' published by Mercier Press in 2016 .'Gimme the Recipe' published in 2012. Work in admin of our Food Safety Consultancy business - Industrial Management Systems with my husband Denis.

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