Posted in Dinner Party

Roast Aubergine Dip & Pita Chips

Roast Aubergine Dip with Paprika Pita Chips

Simple, simple, simple.   Plus healthy and tasty.  This dip is made with only two ingredients and great served with any dipping chips you can get your hands on or even some good crusty bread.

Aubergine Dip & Pita Chips

I often have left over pita breads that haven’t been used for school lunches and these home-made chips have a lovely crunch that make them a perfect accompaniment to the creamy dip.
Roast Aubergine Dip
You will need – for the Roast Aubergine Dip:
2 aubergines
1 tbsp tomato pesto
Pre-heat the oven to 200C  / Gas Mark 7.
Place two whole aubergines straight onto an oven rack.
Leave to roast until the aubergines are charring on the outside and tender when poked through with a knife – approx. 20 mins
Remove the skins from the aubergine – they peel off very easily and squeeze out any excess moisture from the pulp.
Blitz the aubergines in a food processor along with 1 tbsp tomato pesto until smooth.
Serve with dipping chips or pita chips

You will need – for the Paprika Pita Chips:
Pita breads
Rapeseed oil
Pre-heat the oven to 200C/ Gas Mark 7.
Use a kitchen scissors to cut the pita breads into dip sized chips.
Scatter the chips on a baking tray, drizzle with rapeseed oil and sprinkle over with paprika.
Toast in the hot oven until nicely coloured and crispy – approx. 10 mins.
Chips best served hot and great with the aubergine dip.
‘Til next time, Sheila.


Irish Author - Dubut romantic fiction novel 'Good Enough' published in 2021. 'Gimme Dinner' a collection of 50 great dinner recipes published in 2022. 'Enjoy' published by Mercier Press in 2016 .'Gimme the Recipe' published in 2012. Work in admin of our Food Safety Consultancy business - Industrial Management Systems with my husband Denis.

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