Posted in Recipes

Gimme Dinner – “Put a bit of butter on the spuds André”

A question I ask in the introduction to my ebook ‘Gimme Dinner‘ (ahem, IT’S out NOW) is :

‘Does answering the question, “what’s for dinner?”, sometimes make you want to scream?’

Or is it just me?

It doesn’t happen too much now but when my kids were small and feeding them was something to accomplish before rushing out the door to some sporting or other commitment it used to drive me CRAZY.

I would have been doing my best to speedily complete the task with a fair idea of what I needed to do under serious time pressure and then someone would aimlessly wander in and interrupt all that with what I could argue was a fairly pointless question.

Really! Did it really matter what the answer was? Whatever it was it was certainly not up for discussion or about to change anytime soon.

My hope now is that ‘Gimme Dinner‘ will come in handy to anyone who is time frazzled and under pressure to answer that (stupid) question without raising blood pressure. I’ve just discovered the free kindle app myself lately and now have my book on all my devices so when I’m out shopping I can quickly check ingredients lists on my phone and in the kitchen use a tablet/ipad etc for a larger view when cooking. Also if someone does wander in and wants to know what’s cooking , you can just point at the device and silently get on with what you are doing!

If you, reading this, happen to be the person who from time to time wanders into the kitchen and asks that question can I make a suggestion please? How about instead of ‘What’s for Dinner?’ you take a leaf out of André’s book and ask :

‘How can I help?’

Or as André actually asked in his delightful French accent :

‘Der is somezing I can elp?’

If you are unaware of André follow this link to view one of Ireland’s all time favourite tv ads, there are hilarious parodies available too.

To get an idea of what ‘Gimme Dinner‘ includes (50 of my favourite dinner recipes) you can get a free sample and try before you buy.

x Sheila

Gimme Dinner click for link to sample or buy


Irish Author - Dubut romantic fiction novel 'Good Enough' published in 2021. 'Gimme Dinner' a collection of 50 great dinner recipes published in 2022. 'Enjoy' published by Mercier Press in 2016 .'Gimme the Recipe' published in 2012. Work in admin of our Food Safety Consultancy business - Industrial Management Systems with my husband Denis.