Posted in Recipes

Some Like it Hot – Chilli Con Carne

I’ve released an ebook collection of my 50 favourite dinner recipes and one of my top 5 would have to be Chilli Con Carne. This recipe is delicious, and what makes it doubly so is the fact that you can reheat the leftovers, add some jalapenos, tortilla chips and melt some grated cheese on top to have some fantastic nachos the next day.

Chilli Con Carne on Baked Potato

As I say in the recipe if you really do like it hot add another tsp of hot chilli powder but to my mind the recipe is perfect. I have shared it before and you can find the link to it here or if you are interested in purchasing my 50 favourite dinner recipes and having them available on your phone or device via the free kindle app then click here for ‘Gimme Dinner’. (You’ll find the kindle app in the app store – I like being able to check ingredients easily when I’m shopping without having to bring a list and find this very handy).

Reheat the chilli, use a base of salsa, add in tortilla chips, jalapenos and top with grated cheese – excellent with sour cream and guacamole

In other writing news I’ve started on my second romance novel which will be a sequel to ‘Good Enough.’ The ideas have been bouncing around since ‘Good Enough’ was released last December 2021 and I’m so happy to say that the words are starting to be written.

xx Sheila


Irish Author - Dubut romantic fiction novel 'Good Enough' published in 2021. 'Gimme Dinner' a collection of 50 great dinner recipes published in 2022. 'Enjoy' published by Mercier Press in 2016 .'Gimme the Recipe' published in 2012. Work in admin of our Food Safety Consultancy business - Industrial Management Systems with my husband Denis.